
Mobilising Green Investment - the UK Government’s 2023 Green Finance Strategy

Trustee & Fiduciary Regulatory Insights  •  Article  •  May 15, 2023
Published on 30 March 2023, the 2023 Green Finance Strategy (the Strategy) represents the latest policy document developed by HM Treasury, the new Department for Energy and Security and Net Zero, and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

The Strategy sets out the next steps on transition planning and the UK Green Taxonomy, to ensure that green finance markets are robust. The Strategy also sets out how the UK Government is working with a range of public financing bodies to commercialise and finance green technologies.


The Strategy also incorporates both nature and climate adaptation into the UK’s green finance framework. It highlights the fact that a new nature markets framework has also been published, which explains how the UK aims to develop high-integrity markets, enabling farmers and land managers to attract investment into natural capital.


Finally, the Strategy sets out how the UK Government aims to accelerate the shift to a green global financial system and catalyse green financing globally.

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