How to LaunchArticle01 Apr 2021

How to Launch a UCITS

This playbook will help you understand the key elements of UCITS and the important considerations you’ll need to think about to establish a UCITS fund.

Europe’s Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) framework has evolved from a European fund product to become the preeminent global cross-border fund vehicle. With nearly €13 trillion in assets and distributed in over 80 countries, UCITS is now the go-to option for asset managers looking at global fund distribution and is a trusted brand with regulators and investors. The harmonized regulatory framework allows managers to create a cross-border platform to sell their funds to retail and institutional investors worldwide in a scalable and cost-efficient manner.

This playbook will help you understand the key elements of the framework and important considerations you should think about when launching a UCITS fund.



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