
Services Digital Assets

Driving Innovation and Building Solutions with Blockchain ​

At Citi, we believe the future of networks will be borderless, always-on, and real-time to enable frictionless commerce on a global scale and we are actively playing a role to deliver 24/7 infrastructure that will enable the digital future. Citi Token Services enables 24/7 solutions for cash management and trade finance, utilizing tokenization and smart contracts.

Citi Token Services

Citi Token Services for cash management and trade finance uses blockchain and smart contract technologies to deliver digital asset solutions for clients. Citi Token Services will integrate tokenized cash and smart contracts into Citi’s global network, upgrading core cash management and trade finance capabilities.

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Citi Token Services for Cash

Citi Token Services streamlines global cash management, enabling corporate clients to move money between their accounts around Citi network instantaneously on a 24x7 basis. The Singapore and US corridors are live with transfers in USD.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Citi Token Services for Cash?

  • Ability to gain more control over cash and liquidity management

  • Reduced payment frictions​​

  • Real-time visibility and tracking

As a customer, do I need to have a wallet and will Citi issue tokens for use of Citi Token Services for Cash?

No, you don’t require a wallet, and you are not required to purchase, hold, or sell any token. You can use your Citibank N.A., New York or Singapore Branch account to initiate a payment.

Do I need to own a node in the Citi blockchain network to use this solution?

No. You are not required to own a blockchain node to use this solution, and the blockchain technology infrastructure will be owned and managed by Citi.

Citi Token Services may be subject to regulatory and/or internal approval, and may be subject to certain conditions or restrictions such as (including without limitation) being made available at certain Citi entities or branches, restricted to certain geographical locations or being subject to certain transaction limits (for example, type of currency, monetary caps, etc.). Citi may make changes to or withdraw Citi Token Services or any related information without prior notice and without having any liability for losses incurred due to Your reliance on such services or information. You will need to ensure that You obtain legal, financial, tax advice from independent and professional advisors which is always up to date and specific to Your circumstances.

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