Sustainable innovation remains a big focus not only for governments, corporates, and investors, but also innovation. The battle on climate change has continued in earnest and the need to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has become even more of a global priority. Removing carbon dioxide for the benefit of the planet is explored in three ways: (1) nature-based solutions, including afforestation and reforestation; (2) enhanced natural processes, including land management and bioengineered plants; and (3) direct air capture (DAC) — the “alchemy of air,” where machines capture carbon dioxide straight out of the atmosphere. In past issues, we’ve explored innovations in green transportation, including hydrogen-powered rail, autonomous vehicle networks, hyperloop, and electric vehicles. This year we look at the use of ammonia as a fuel in jet engines. Although hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuels are further along as potential renewables solutions, most jet engines can be retrofitted to use ammonia, it is easily storable, and there is already an ecosystem for production and distribution in place. Finally, we explore how to close the recycling loop using de-polymerization methods that will avoid plastic waste filling our landfills.
2021 has been a great year for innovation in healthcare. mRNA was largely unproven in 2020 despite decades of scientific research, but today has become one of the most powerful weapons against the pandemic. Given the rapid proof-of-concept for mRNA vaccines during COVID-19, we now know that mRNA can produce highly effective and safe vaccines — and COVID-19 vaccines could be just the tip of the iceberg.
Finally, a report on disruptive innovations wouldn’t be complete without looking at some new technology. The introduction and increasing popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) coupled with the transition of retail into the metaverse highlights the blending of fintech with both consumer and gaming. Semiconductor manufacturing is on the verge of transforming from two-dimensional to three-dimensional architecture, which could increase the speed of chips by five-fold. And artificial intelligence could be coming to your next flight, protecting both your health and your safety.