
Part 1 – Overview

What’s Happened in AI in Health, and What’s Coming Next
Smart Thinking on AI in Health  •  Article  •  March 28, 2023

This is the first of five reports focusing on AI in healthcare. We believe that in time, AI will transform healthcare, gradually but profoundly. So far AI’s impact has been modest, with interesting developments in radiology, BioPharma and in a handful of health-specific admin systems. In the next few years, however, AI is likely to automate a good deal of health administration, saving time and money. We also expect AI to revolutionize the BioPharma industry because the transformer technology that can understand ordinary languages, and which is driving innovations like ChatGPT, can also be used to analyze molecules like proteins and DNA. In the long term we believe AI will fundamentally change the relationship between doctors and patients. We believe diagnoses will become increasingly automated: over time, family doctors will become more like health coaches and specialists will become more productive, attempting more personalized and ambitious interventions.

Read the full report here.

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