
The Treasury Management Playbook

Technology Strategies and Best Practices, a PYMNTs and Citi Collaborative Report
Article  •  June 26, 2024

The Treasury Management Playbook: Technology Strategies and Best Practices, a PYMNTS Intelligence and Citi collaboration, looks at the following challenges treasurers face in today’s increasingly complex financial and regulatory landscape and details best practices for their data and technology strategies:

  • Volatility in rates and prices
  • Technology advances
  • Regulatory complexity
  • Cybersecurity risks

Considering marketing conditions, heighted volatility and juggling business priorities, this discussion showcases how actionable insights and forecasting take on greater importance for corporate treasury teams. It is not always a straightforward decision, for example, better cash flow prediction can allow treasurers to manage liquidity more tightly, minimizing financing costs. However, the wealth of data now available to large companies does not automatically transform into high-quality forecasting.

Read the report to learn more about the data management strategies industry experts suggest to help address some of these challenges.



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