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FT/Citi Ingenuity Awards - Meet the Healthcare Finalists

November 13, 2012

The third in our series highlighting the finalists for the FT/Citi Ingenuity Awards, this post examines four healthcare candidates whose work continues to make healthy living and medical services a priority in cities worldwide. Be sure to visit Citi's Facebook page to tell us which finalists you think are the most ingenious, and check back later this month for profiles on finalists in the final category, education.

FT/Citi Awards Healthcare Finalists:

FT Pharmaceuticals Correspondent Andrew Jack profiles the finalists in this FT video and explains that currently there exists a stunning disparity in health and medical access not only between cities, but often more starkly, within them. Today, there is a pressing need to combine policy and design to promote fitness and healthy living in the long-term, a goal that organizations like these category finalists are striving to meet.

Below are the four finalists who have implemented ingenious solutions to improve urban healthcare:

Child Eye Care Charitable Trust, India

In the absence of more systematic, government-led provision of clean water and other basic services in India, the Child Eye Care Charitable Trust operates in the slums of Mumbai, working with mothers to address malnourishment and vitamin deficiency in their children. In the process, the Trust has helped to empower the community to improve hygiene and the quality of the local environment for all residents. Read more:

GSK New Citizen, China

The New Citizen Health Care project in Shanghai provides health education and treatment for migrant workers, one of the most disadvantaged groups in China's rapidly urbanizing population. The project is funded by pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline and operated by the Xintu Centre for Community Health Promotion, a local non-governmental organization that specializes in migrant services. Read more:

Pro Mujer, Latin America

Pro Mujer is a local microfinance organization that built on its existing networks offering financial services to women to provide low-cost medical consultations as well. Through Pro Mujer, poor women in need receive loans to set up small businesses on the condition that they take basic health tests, thus promoting health as well as the professional development of women. Efforts were initially focused in Nicaragua but have now spread to other parts of Latin America. Read more:

Protect Your Child, Egypt

The health awareness initiative Protect Your Child was launched by a group of young volunteers with the goal of helping parents and children avoid deadly disease. In Egypt, the group has organized competitions for parents and distributed coloring books and cartoons to children to spread health education messages such as the importance of hygiene and vaccination. Read more:

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