
Diverse Supplier Utilization

Citi purchases and contracts out a variety of products and services. Our goal is to obtain the highest quality products and services, at the lowest cost, in a timely manner and with the best service.

A financial institution the size and scope of Citi buys a broad range of goods and services, such as office supplies, technology, printing services, furniture and paper. Other significant decisions, such as professional services, are also procured through Citi Procurement Services or individual business groups within Citi.

Our employees who make purchasing decisions play a key role in supporting our Supplier Diversity Program by identifying and utilizing competitive diverse suppliers and consultants.

Contracting and Consulting

The Supplier Diversity Program has expanded the roles of diverse suppliers beyond the traditional procurement areas (e.g., temporary staffing) into professional and technical services (i.e., legal, marketing, accounting, IT, and investment advisory services). Bidding is competitive and based upon the firm's management expertise, operational capabilities and track record.

In addition to direct purchasing from diverse suppliers, Citi encourages our Prime Suppliers to develop and hire these suppliers as subcontractors.

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